Your confidential & safe workplace resource.

Serving all Gallatin County employees

CONFIDENTIAL. YOUR OMBUDS will protect your identity and confidential information unless there is a risk of harm (such as a workplace safety issue) or you have violated a local, state, or federal law or regulation with which the County must comply.

IMPARTIAL. YOUR OMBUDS does not take sides and instead works to develop options to address or surface issues that support empowerment and fair process -- for those seeking assistance and for the organization.

INFORMAL. Visiting YOUR OMBUDS doesn’t trigger a formal investigation often required of HR or legal processes. Speaking with YOUR OMBUDS is off the record. Ombuds do not retain permanent records of confidential communications.

INDEPENDENT. YOUR OMBUDS is not part of management and does not represent the employees or other stakeholders with whom they work. YOUR OMBUDS is an advocate for a fair and effective process and outcome for all concerned.


  • Help you think through and confidentially discuss your options for handling workplace challenges.

  • Provide information and refer you to appropriate resources.

  • Coach you, if you want to resolve the concern yourself.

  • Offer training and education on communication skills, conflict resolution, and other topics.

  • Facilitate difficult conversations and team communication.

  • Help with culture-change.

  • Provide formal mediation to help parties achieve win-win outcomes..

  • Support and guide employees who wish to report wrongdoing (whistleblowing) while protecting anonymity if desired.

  • Help foster psychological safety, and a more respectful and inclusive environment.

What YOUR OMBUDS won’t do:

Receive notice of claims against the organization.

Conduct investigations.

Make management decisions or policy.

Advocate or take sides.

Substitute for formal channels.

Testify or produce documents in legal or other proceedings.